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This compact, multiple-output Helmet Light features three white LEDs, two red LEDs, and one blinking infrared LED that serves as a personal Identify Friend or Foe (IFF) beacon. The white primary LEDs are perfect for general-purpose, close-work illumination; the red secondary LEDs serve the same purpose in a low-signature, night-vision-friendly color.
Helmet Light features a durable, watertight polymer body in Desert Tan. Attaches to any Modular Integrated Communications Helmet (MICH) via an included ambidextrous mount with 20 preset positions that allow the light to be rotated 360 degrees when attached. Once either mount has been attached to the helmet, Helmet Light can be quickly and easily slid on and locked securely in place. Pressing a lever on the mount unlocks the light, allowing for quick removal for servicing or transfer onto its optional Z71 carry clip, which attaches to any MOLLE or ALICE vest.
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