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GSCI night vision products are built to order.
Be advised that lead time is approximately 3-4 weeks.
The QRF-4500 is the all-in-one laser rangefinder unit with increased capabilities featuring built-inGPS, compass, laser pointer and IR illuminator. It is the indispensable tool with multiplecapabilitiesused for reconnaissance, tactical surveillance, andother scenarios. Its operational capabilities andfunctionality by far exceed similar systems on the market. The compact size of the QRF-4500 allowsfree access to the controls of the unit that the QRF-4500 is attached to. Structural rigidity, excellentshock protection and IP67 rating of the QRF-4500 are among the must-haves for a modern operator.This unit can be used in combination with a wide variety of optical-electronic systems, includingdaytime sights, night vision, thermal imaging, and fusion devices.The QRF-4500 is ready to replace all discrete, single-function gadgets: all information is presented onone display to increase operator’s efficiency.